
OCR110 DMG100


For a crystal clear production process

The DMG110 was developed specifically for foolproof identification of directly marked DataMatrix codes on flat, transparent surfaces like industrial plate glass, acrylic glass and plastic. The code can be engraved on the product´s top or bottom and is legible without turning the item. An innovative illumination concept permits dependable identification even of internally engraved DataMatrix codes.

Together with optics specially developed for applications involving glass and plastics, the integrated, programmable LED system achieves high-contrast images using incident light without a need for trasmitted light which is usually used.

The LED illumination ca be adjusted in terms of various colours to allow easy and reliable identification of DataMatrix codes through coloured acrylic or plate glass. These decisive advantages greatly simplify an integration of Data Matrix readings systems into processes for the flat glass industrie.

Applications range from electronic components (LCD displays, OLED displays and solar panels) through the automotive sector to a use of flat glass in architecture and industry.

The most important points to remember:

  • Fast and reliable decoding
  • Easy system integration
  • Graphical user interface
  • Mature and proven decoding algorithms
  • No external backlight required
  • Built-in Ethernet interface
  • Compact design
  • Aluminium housing